Module 1: Tackling the Mom-Life Roller Coaster

Lesson 1: When “Mom Life” Feels Like a Never-Ending To-Do List

Lesson 1: When “Mom Life” Feels Like a Never-Ending To-Do List

Lesson 2: Stress: That Uninvited, Persistent Party Crasher

Lesson 2: Stress: That Uninvited, Persistent Party Crasher

Lesson 3: The Post-Pandemic Whirlwind: Why Everything Feels a Tad More Overwhelming

Lesson 3: The Post-Pandemic Whirlwind: Why Everything Feels a Tad More Overwhelming

Lesson 4: Recognizing Your Personal “I’m Done” Triggers

Lesson 4: Recognizing Your Personal “I’m Done” Triggers

Lesson 5: Learning How to Steal Back Your “Me Time”

Lesson 5: Learning How to Steal Back Your “Me Time”

Course Complete

Lesson 3: The Post-Pandemic Whirlwind: Why Everything Feels a Tad More Overwhelming

Course Complete

Summary: Discus the additional pressures brought on by the pandemic and identify your specific stressors during these challenging times. The lesson also offers practical strategies to effectively manage these new hurdles.

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Easy Notion Tips Academy

Easy Notion Tips Academy -Simplifying motherhood, one Notion tip at a time. Because moms deserve less stress and more balance. Join us on this empowering journey towards harmony amidst the chaos.

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